Friday, April 3, 2015

Week 14 - Student Presentations: Caitlin, Mike, Caitlyn and Jaimie

Dojos and cookies and monkey paws and noodles, oh my.

Caitlin demonstrated the software Class Dojo. Caitlin uses Class Dojo in multiple ways throughout the day in her classroom, including taking attendance and rewarding good behaviors. Each students are able to create a character to represent themselves which is then placed on the SmartBoard. The software then allows for the teacher to give or take points from each student throughout the day. Caitlin and the students agree on what behaviors cause a student to gain or lose points. In Caitlin's classroom good behavior is rewarded by allowing the student to choose a prize from a prize box or by having lunch with her.

Although I have mixed feelings about Behavior Modification practices I could certainly see how having a tracking method to show parents and caregivers is important to a teacher. 
I especially liked how Caitlin doesn't display points to avoid embarrassing those with low points.

Mike used the LiveBinder software that was demonstrated earlier in the semester to provide us with an overview of some basic but important functions in Photography. Mike also shared information on how to take a great photo. Mike teaches Photography and has a wealth of information which he keeps very well organized in LiveBinder. Note to self: be sure to further explore LiveBinder.

Mike provided a list of goals for the presentation and offered the objective of wanting us to be able "to make not take a photo" after his presentation. The presentation focused, no pun intended, on:
1) Composition (design skills), 2) Focus, and 3) Exposure. Mike used the analogy of under baked, over baked, and perfectly baked chocolate chip cookies to help us better understand Exposure. Yum
With so much good information to cover Mike didn't get a chance to deconstruct the photos a few of us posted as requested. I would still love to know if the Eiffel Tower photo with the lightening has been modified or not.

I came away from this presentation remembering the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words" and wondering if a great picture is then worth even more.

Caitlyn started off by saying thank you to those who posted a response on her forum. I really liked how she did that and will be sure to do the same when it's my time to present. Caitlyn then demonstrated the software FakeBook.  I was not familiar with FakeBook but some of the classroom teachers use it with good success. Caitlyn had us read a story in preparation for the presentation and asked us to choose a character from the story. I enjoyed reading the story of The Monkey's Paw, although I found it to be a little grim. And yes, pun intended.

The format of FakeBook is very similar to FaceBook which is intentional and provides a familiar format for the majority of students. Students can then create a profile for a character in a story which is what the students in our class did; I had fun creating a profile for Mrs. White.
Caitlyn mentioned how FakeBook is a good tool for shy students who may not be comfortable sharing in a group setting.

Jaimie shared the software program Active Classroom rather than the original topic GoNoodle. Jaimie choose this Active Classroom after reading the forum feedback from the class. I thought this change showed Jaimie's desire to make the presentation of use to the audience.
Jaimie shared an agenda with us as well as pictures of her actual students. The students were very cute and engaged. If I remember correctly Jaimie teaches fourth grade.

Jaimie gave us a tour around Active Classroom which has a number of different categories to choose from and different types of motion activities within each category. One choice is two men who sing different songs and demonstrate different movements. I couldn't stop laughing out loud and thinking of the Beastie Boys as I watched them do their demonstrations. The experience for me was that they were loud and old school to the core; I couldn't stop laughing. Jaimie said these two were the class favorites.
Jaimie and a couple of the other classroom teachers from our class shared how they used Active Classroom to compensate for the reduction or elimination of recess at their school. They also discussed the use of the audio guided visualization program known as Flow to calm students.
I liked how Jaimie was able to encourage three students in our class to share their experiences of using Active Classroom.

I came away from Jaimie's presentation thinking there was a need and a market for my guided visualizations in the classroom.

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